

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most frequently applied methods in the treatment of obesity. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, eighty percent of the stomach is removed so that the size of patient's stomach is reduced. In this way, while the feel of hunger is reduced, the capacity of the stomach is reduced. In addition, it helps to reduce the body's insulin resistance

You can easily achieve the look you desire with HEALTHY BODY IN TURKEY, which works with the physicians that are specialist in their field. If you are tired of seeing your excess weight every time you look in the mirror or if you don't want to have any difficulties even in short-distance-walking, the solution is very simple.

To Whom is Sleeve Gastrectomy Applied?
As in obesity operations, certain conditions must be met in order for the all stomach operations to take place as well.

The lower limit for sleeve gastrectomy is 18 and the upper limit is 65 years old.
Another issue to be considered is whether individual features of the patient is suitable for the operation.
Finally, the body mass index shall be checked in order to perform the sleeve gastrectomy operation.

General Information about Sleeve Gastrectomy Operation
Gastric sleeve operations are performed under general anesthesia and comprehensive examinations are performed before surgery. Accordingly, all actions to be taken are determined in advance. The average duration of sleeve gastrectomy operation is ninety minutes. Patients may be asked to go follow-on a special diet program before the operation if needed. After the operation, the hospitalization period of the patient is maximum three days.
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