IVF (In-vitro-Fertilisation)

IVF (In-vitro-Fertilisation)

Expand your family with IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) The test-tube treatment method that is preferred by women who cannot get pregnant in natural ways and their husbands is called as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). In Vitro Fertilisation is an assisted reproductive technology, that is applied to couples who want to have a child.
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IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

In the IVF method, the egg taken from the woman and the sperm from the man are combined in a sterile laboratory environment. Once the embryo is formed, it is transformed into the uterus. In this method, the combined sperm and egg are chosen among the most quality ones.

FAQs about IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)
IVF has three steps. The first step is stimulating the ovarian to produce egg cells. After the stimulation phase, eggs are collected for embryo formation and fertilisation is performed. And the last step is completed by placing the embryos into the womb.

Situations where IVF treatment is needed:
Advanced ovulation problems
Poor quality sperms
Immunological infertility
Situations where other treatment methods are inadequate
When the woman is diagnosed with advanced endometriosis
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