

Eyebrow transplantation operations are popular among men as well as women. The popularity of eyebrow transplantation is due to the fact that individuals want to have an impressive and self-confident stance; because eyebrows are as effective in eye contact as they are decisive for a charismatic appearance. You will feel very comfortable after the eyebrow transplantion operation, which will pave the way for you to successfully use your gestures and facial expressions. You don't have to deal with thickening and drawing eyebrows every day, and you don't need an eyebrow tattoo that looks unnatural.

All you have to do is to contact the experts of Healthy Body In Turkey. Our expert staff of professionals will answer your questions about the eyebrow transplantion process for an effective external appearance.

Eyebrow Transplantion Process
In eyebrow transplantation, hair follicles taken from healthy areas at the back of the head (between the ears) are transferred to the eyebrow area. The average operation time is one hour; bathing is allowed 24 hours after the operation. After the eyebrow transplantation, the eyebrows begin to grow in an average of three months. You can start shaping your eyebrows 7-8 months after the operation. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and the points to be considered and the care process are explained to the patient in detail. Eyebrow problems are easily solved through eyebrow transplantation. In addition, after the completion of the process, individuals have natural looking eyebrows.
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